Once upon a time, in a distant land known as Palaestina, there existed a lush and bountiful garden. This was not an ordinary garden, but a symbol of harmony and diversity in a world filled with turmoil and division. Palaestina…
In our great state of Arizona, the need for comprehensive infrastructure expansion and innovative solutions to address homelessness is undeniable. This royal proposal outlines a framework for addressing both these pressing issues simultaneously to create a more inclusive, prosperous, and…
The legalization of psilocybin mushrooms, often referred to as “magic mushrooms,” can be a complex process, but it has the potential to bring both social and therapeutic benefits. This framework outlines a plan for the responsible and regulated legalization of…
Drought is a recurring challenge in Arizona, and the need for a comprehensive plan to address water scarcity is crucial. This plan outlines a series of strategies to mitigate the effects of drought, promote water conservation, and ensure a sustainable…
Addressing the legacy of slavery and the historical mistreatment of Native Americans is a complex and necessary endeavor for Arizona. While Arizona was not directly involved in slavery during the Civil War, it is important to acknowledge the systemic injustices…
Arizona, like many states, has faced budgetary challenges that have led to deficits in recent years. To address this issue and work toward ending the deficit, a comprehensive and sustainable plan is needed. This plan focuses on fiscal responsibility, economic…
BSD is a program within a Pounds’ administration “REAL Green Deal” plan. BSD policies shall be enacted in this order to relieve us from environmental & economic injustice: 30% of $14.25 Billion is $4.27 Billion. With an investment of thirty…
The idea of a monarchy in Arizona may seem unconventional, given the state’s history as a democratic republic within the United States. However, this meditation aims to explore the potential benefits and advantages of transitioning to a constitutional monarchy under…
Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, As followers of Jesus Christ and believers in the teachings of love, justice, and peace, we wish to express our unwavering support for the people of Palestine and our deep concern about the ongoing Israeli…