Katie Hobbs oversees our elections in Arizona and has access & powers that unfairly advantage her as a gubernatorial candidate over her fellow gubernatorial candidates. She should resign, or I pose that maybe as a token of goodwill, she can lower candidate nominating petition requirements to a 20,000 signature threshold or maybe even less, if she does this perhaps I could grant Katie a decline on my rhetoric on her conflict of interest.
I will still provide you with a source to get recall petitions while the deadline for their submission looms. This recall effort was started in February of this year, I’m unaware of the current amount of signatures that have been collected, however it requires 583,172 signatures be submitted by June 11, 2021. A very short time from now, but alas, I merely want to give props to We the People AZ Alliance for starting the recall effort against Hobbs.
& here’s a useless Change.org petition!!
• William Josue Pounds IV